Boom! Action!Creative neurons fire as one artist’s link in the chain inspires the next. A dynamic art installation — exploding onto the global scene — each piece a reaction to the previous one.
Chain Reaction is IOAC’s most ambitious project to date. Through this collective effort 14 artists from eight countries — most who’ve never met in person — are working together, building a world class art installation and international friendships. Square by square, each link in the chain reflects the work of the individual artist while creating something greater than the sum of its parts.
If you are interested in displaying the project in your gallery/art space please get in touch with the project’s lead Ruth Christensen at ruth@ioac.art

DC's Sitar Arts Center will host the IOAC's second in-person show in North America.
The 14 members of the International Online Art Collective are presenting “Chain Reaction,” a 100-piece art installation at Sitar Arts Center‘s Cafritiz Gallery in Washington, DC. The exhibition will open to the public on May 24- June 22.
The Main Event

Meet and chat with the artists who will be in town for the exhibition’s opening on May 24, 6-9 PM, and join us in the deLaski Theater for an in-depth look at all 14 artists, their processes, and inspiration.
Community Event

The public is invited to join international live painters and IOAC artists Caroline Karp and Ruth Christensen on Friday, May 24 at 5-6:30PM for “Expressive Arts Canvas.” This engaging painting event will be held in the Sitar studio. Please leave your email here to sign up to learn more.
For more information on the exhibition, please get in touch with Caroline Karp, IOAC member Caroline@CarolineKarpArtist.com.
The premiere exhibition included a series of free community art events, a video installation and a visit by a few of the artists themselves: