Boom! Action!Creative neurons fire as one artist’s link in the chain inspires the next. A dynamic art installation — exploding onto the global scene — each piece a reaction to the previous one.
About Chain Reaction
Miami, FL Show
Washington, DC Show
→ Chain Reaction Premiere Show
Online Exhibition
Project Video Podcast
Chain Reaction Magazine
Chain Reaction is IOAC’s most ambitious project to date. Through this collective effort 14 artists from eight countries — most who’ve never met in person — are working together, building a world class art installation and international friendships. Square by square, each link in the chain reflects the work of the individual artist while creating something greater than the sum of its parts.
If you are interested in displaying the project in your gallery/art space please get in touch with the project’s lead Ruth Christensen at ruth@ioac.art

International Online Art Collective debuts live art exhibition in Jamestown, New York

Exhibition offers a fun-packed series of free community art events, a video installation and a visit by the artists themselves!
The 14 members of International Online Art Collective are presenting “Chain Reaction”: a 100-piece art installation at Pearl City Clay House in Jamestown, NY. The exhibition will open to the public on November 3 and be on display through December 30. The public is invited to meet the artists who will be in town specially for the show opening on November 3, 5-7 pm and participate in free art events and workshops over the course of the exhibition. Pearl City Clay House is to host the IOAC’s first in-person show in North America. “We’re so excited to be the first gallery to host this dynamic group of artists as their exhibition starts its global tour” said Deb Eck, curator and program director of Pearl City Clay House.
A big part of IOAC’s philosophy is ‘Art for All’, so its members have put together a fun-packed supporting program of free community art events for Jamestown residents at Pearl City Clay House. Art lovers from further away have a chance to join via Zoom. Planned events include in-house and online art workshops, the opportunity to participate in a mini-version of Chain Reaction, virtual visits with international artists in their studios and more.
For more information on the exhibition, please contact Wendy Bale, IOAC member from Jamestown: uubale@sandhilldesigns.com or (+1) 814-230-8787
Chain Reaction Programming at Pearl City Clay House
- 220 East Second St, Jamestown, New York
November 3, 5-7 PM
November 4 – December 30, Open during Pearl City Clay House hours
All Ages
All Abilities
All Inclusive.

Friday, Nov 3, 1-3 PM
Photo Workshop with IOAC artist Inna Malostovker
Join IOAC artist photographer Inna Malostovker of Miami, Florida for an overview of five basic principles of photography with Q&A. Weather permitting, we’ll walk around the area and practice. Bring your camera or cell phone, questions, and desire to take your photography to the next level. Limited seating, register at pearlcityclayhouse.org/event/first-five-of-photography

Friday, Nov 3, 5-7 PM
Chain Reaction Public Reception
Meet the artists! Jamestown’s Pearl City Clay House hosts the premier exhibition of Chain Reaction. Help us greet visiting IOAC artists from overseas and around the US who will be in attendance for this kick off the Chain Reaction World Tour. View all 100 works in The Chain, a multi-media experience during this wine and cheese reception.

Saturday, Nov 4, 10AM – 2PM
Make art with visiting artists from around the world (open house)
Chain Games with IOAC members
Come make art with the visiting members of International Online Art Collective during this open-house style event. Art supplies provided in the gallery for anyone to play along with the IOAC artists —all ages/abilities are welcome.
Mini chain with the artists
Community art project! Inspired by the Chain Reaction show in the Gallery at Pearl City Clay House, you’ll get a chance to participate in a mini version of Chain Reaction. It’s like a colorful game of “telephone”. The results of this community project will be revealed during the closing reception.
Live painting community collaboration
Join IOAC artists Barbara Pastorino and Caroline Karp for a live painting community collaboration! All live painters will be working together to create one larger art piece – one that is going to be part of our global traveling show Chain Reaction and will tour the world with it! Come and join the awesome fun of painting large and live with Barbara and Caroline.

Saturday, Nov 18, 2-3PM
Free Sassy Saturday
Saturday Art & Social Society —Tea & cookies reception in the gallery, followed by a Tea Bag Art Workshop lead by IOAC artist Susan Detroy from Eugene, Oregon on Zoom. All supplies included. Limited seating, please register at pearlcityclayhouse.org/event/sassy-with-guest-artist-susan-detroy/

Saturday, Dec 2, 10AM – 12PM
FREE Sassy Saturday Studio Tours
Hosted by Christy de Witt, IOAC artist from The Netherlands. Bring your own art project to work on in the PCCH craft studio while we Zoom in to art studios around the world. We will go behind the scenes with IOAC artists from Europe, South Africa, Down Under and across the USA: Barbara Pastorino, Caroline Karp, Cheryl Barill, Christy de Witt, Greta Olivas, Gerda Smith, Guillermo Bublik, Karin McCombe Jones, Morrison Polkinghorne, Susan Detroy and Ruth Christensen. Limited seating, please register at pearlcityclayhouse.org/event/sassy-with-ioac/

Nov 4 – Dec 29, during gallery hours
Mini chain WALK-IN
Free art supplies will be set up in the gallery for anyone to spontaneously join in the fun.The results of this continuing community collaboration begun with the IOAC artist on November 4th will be revealed during the closing reception Dec. 30.

Dec 30, 6 – 8PM
Closing Reception and art reveal
Enjoy one last look at chain reaction before it moves on to its next leg of the World Tour. Bid farewell to the Jamestown community art project that will travel along to the next venue.
The premiere exhibition included a series of free community art events, a video installation and a visit by a few of the artists themselves: