Boom! Action!Creative neurons fire as one artist’s link in the chain inspires the next. A dynamic art installation — exploding onto the global scene — each piece a reaction to the previous one.
Chain Reaction is IOAC’s most ambitious project to date. Through this collective effort 14 artists from eight countries — most who’ve never met in person — are working together, building a world class art installation and international friendships. Square by square, each link in the chain reflects the work of the individual artist while creating something greater than the sum of its parts.
If you are interested in displaying the project in your gallery/art space please get in touch with the project’s lead Ruth Christensen at ruth@ioac.art

The Making of Chain Reaction Magazine
The premiere issue of International Online Art Collective’s “The Making of Chain Reaction“, a magazine going behind the scenes as 14 artists collaborate to create a 100-piece installation. The exhibition continues its World Tour of 100 art pieces —one big multi-media event. Delve into this beautiful companion to Chain Reaction!
Go inside the minds of these international artists—see what sparked each link in the chain! This 54-page glossy magazine chronicles the making of Chain Reaction from the original concept through a two-year journey leading up to the World Tour: Chain Reaction the physical exhibition and online show. Follow the chain as all 100 artworks are shown in order. Find artists’ bios and quotations from the narratives everyone kept while creating this unique collaboration.
Get the companion to the exhibition, The Making of Chain Reaction online HERE or at select gallery exhibitions worldwide.
Each square informing and inspiring the next, provoking a literal chain reaction of art, reflecting 14 international artists’ ability to inspire one another online through art. Over the course of two years, Chain Reaction grew and expanded, creating a total of 100 artworks assembled into a bigger multi media art installation. The anticipation grew, too. And now we celebrate as the artwork is brought together for its unveiling.