Boom! Action!Creative neurons fire as one artist’s link in the chain inspires the next. A dynamic art installation — exploding onto the global scene — each piece a reaction to the previous one.
Chain Reaction is IOAC’s most ambitious project to date. Through this collective effort 14 artists from eight countries — most who’ve never met in person — are working together, building a world class art installation and international friendships. Square by square, each link in the chain reflects the work of the individual artist while creating something greater than the sum of its parts.
If you are interested in displaying the project in your gallery/art space please get in touch with the project’s lead Ruth Christensen at ruth@ioac.art

What is Chain Reaction?
Chain Reaction is a global art collaboration by International Online Art Collective reflecting 14 artists’ ability to inspire each other through art. Beginning with a single piece, each square informs the next provoking a chain reaction of other artworks. This art chain reaction will continue to grow and expand during a two-year period creating approximately 100 works assembled into one bigger multi media art installation. Presented around the world beginning in 2023, the project will be documented on video and in print.
See pictures from the Jamestown, NY and Washington, DC shows or have a look at our Magazine.
What inspired this project?
To a great extent, Chain Reaction reflects the collective’s own mission statement:
We are International Online Art Collective: We are a diverse group of artists from around the world who value the power of art to inspire, provoke and heal.
In some ways, our group has been about four things. Art, connection, expression and the well-being of humankind. It all began early 2020, during the first stages of the global pandemic, with our world situation of sheltering in place and feeling the human need of connection and of course sharing our work. From that point on we kept expanding our vision and worldwide reach.
For us, making artwork is like breathing, talking, living and loving. We are artists from around the globe with a grand vision of virtual and in-person exhibitions. We are honoured in that our artwork has been commissioned by people all around the world. We are in galleries, museums, businesses and private residences.
Chain Reaction both deepens and intensifies this mission statement. During a worldwide pandemic— with its challenges and isolation— the project was born out of the need to connect with both the world and with one another. This artistic collaboration brought individuals together as a team, creating and marketing art, while working together to grow and develop as artists.
What are IOAC’s goals for Chain Reaction?
- Create one cohesive combined art installation (Gesamtkunstwerk), from approximately 100 individual artworks.
- Present the project online on the IOAC website, including but not limited to blogs, photos, videos and online exhibitions.
- Mount a series of physical traveling exhibitions worldwide.
- Publish a catalog/book/magazine available in print and electronic format.
- As a collective: To cement the members further together, expand visibility and increase the network through galleries, museums, collectors, sponsors and foundations.
- As individuals: Push beyond the usual comfort zones working collectively to inspire personal and artistic growth.