United by art,
sharing with the world​

Hispanic Branch Library, Miami, FL is hosting the IOAC's third in-person show in North America.

The 14 members of the International Online Art Collective are presenting “Chain Reaction,” a 100-piece art installation at Hispanic Branch Library in Miami, FL. The exhibition opens to the public on Feb 14 and is available for viewing until April 10

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction is IOAC’s most ambitious project to date. Through this collective effort 14 artists from eight countries — most who’ve never met in person — are working together, building a world class art installation and international friendships. Square by square, each link in the chain reflects the work of the individual artist while creating something greater than the sum of its parts.

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Art by members

Our members art is just as varied in mediums and style as their geographical location, varying from realism, to abstract, sculpture and photography.